Monday, October 5, 2009
bad luck
a person who did nt do anything wrong, bt hv tis implication. i did nt bring any barang larangan to school, bt let those prefects fitnah me tat i brought 5.n when they write down yr name, they dont even notify me..wth r them. u guys make me hv bad consequences tat i need to suffer from...25 marks n mr lim onli allow me to redeem 20 marks, now i hv to sek sei mao for the 5 marks, n bcoz of the 5 marks, i have to face a big problem.
another matter, i did nt go to skul for 1 day in march n april. n tats nt i wan to make it granma was seriously ill at tat time, can i dun go bac n leave her in penang. im her granddaughter, i hv the right to went bac n visit her..tis is wat we as the younger generation need to do. n july, absent cz im sick. tat time our country was seriously attacked by the h1n1. if i go to skul, then im going to pass all the disease to others. n mr lim announce in assembly tat for those who r sick, dun cum to skul. im jz doing my nt cheating. bt no matter how, we cnt get the 10 marks for monthly attendance, it is so unfair to us.
im frus, really frus. tears is alwaz glistening in my eyes, n im jz trying to control it..y can i be so bad luck tis year, everything seems to be so diff for me to go thru, i have to undergo alot of obstacles tat make me feel very tired. sumtimes im wondering, mayb i shudnt transfer to tis skul, mayb it wil be more easy for me in menjalara, tat will nt ruin my future. the skul is nt helping us, they r putting us in troubles, our scholarships is gonna me a nil to me if i get a B in my cert...hopeless
i hate, hate, hate all tat...i even start to hate the i dun wish to make it lyk tis...pls, make it smooth for me, i duwan to lose my future n my hope...
i really cnt stop myself from thinking about tis matter, anyone can rescue me???
Friday, July 17, 2009
another awkward feelings
im wondering wat is going on nowadays
y everyone was facing problems?
love problems, frenship problems
y cant u all appreciate the final moments u all have in tis year, to be together, to be fun together
i really dont know wat to say n what to comment
u say we din concern bout u
bt i did asked u, n u jz ignored me, dont want to tell me
wat can i do after rejected by u for twice..
im human also u know, i hv my own limitations too
now i jz hope to be wif another bunch of friends...
maybe it will not be so tired
its quite fun buzzing around wif xiao y
we created a nickname for them
shhh, its secret, don tell, wakaka
we all normal want go and watch harry potter together next week lor
have better taste when u buy things tomoro a
Saturday, July 11, 2009
God, please help me get pass all these
i'm really suffereing here, dont know what was happening to myself.
i lose myself
and i wan to get bac my soul from somewhere else
please get it bac for me
I hope for those uneasy feeling to pass through someday...
Monday, June 22, 2009
a not very peaceful day
why everything that was happening right now seem to be my fault, im so speechless, soundless, voiceless. im just trying to make a better thing with the profit, i duwan to waste it. im doing things beneficial for u all. maybe u all hate it, then just ignore me, i dun care. u noe, wat u told under my forcing was so hurt...i din hv those irritating feeling towards the guy, im just asking 1 sentence bout the famine 30, after tat wat we talked was all about the page. when i jz sat there n duwan to bother anymur, doesnt mean tat im angry, i jz duwan to involve anymur.too many ppl in such a small project perhaps might ruin all you guys hard word, so i jz pull myself off from that. i knew u all will be talking behind me, good or bad, i dun care.
im holding back my tears, n i successfully did it..i promised to myself i wont be so sensitive anymore, alone is not terrified to me anymore. walking to bio lab by myself, tats fine. u talked to her rather than me, tats fine too. bt i hate ppl asked me to on9, bt on9 doing nth, in the end i was lyk a sapo on9ing, waiting , sacrified my nap, n in the end u off9 without informing me..wth man..
anyway, i wrote tis blog not for the sake of others, nt for anyone to read it n backstab me, i jz want to express. tats all. i will be in a good mood again..
ignore the world, and i believe i will be happy forever^^ n my class i could onli have fun my my buddies, bt i hope to have fun like other classes, taking lots lots of nice photos, wif many many nice pose 我能从他们身上得到一些我很想得到的快乐.they all have a simple life, simple thinking without caring wat the others think bout them.i love their photossss
Thursday, June 11, 2009
my hols
Reflection on myself for this holidays..wat have i did during tis holidays???
firstly, of course nt touching any of the academic books..have already been suffered for 1 whole months, tis 2 weeks for sure is my relaxation timing..hahaha, i really relaxed mysellf alot in tis two weeks
i have read alot of storybooks...5 english n 2 is so nice to read all those story, although some of it is 18sg la..haha...n now im going to hit one more of my target, upgrade my english storybook to 6, i left twilight, a book that was praised by everyone, even my malay teacher...aha..
during tis hols, i dun really watch any movie or drama, except cinderella 3 in the movie series n singapore xiao niang re(haven watch finish)..xiao niang re reflexs the life of baba n nyonya..for the drama n books that i have read, i found out something, it keep on twirling in my mind for these few days..why those who are in love with each other couldnt get together in the end??or another way, why those who love the another half bt tat person does not have even a tiny feeling wif them?? even in reality, i found out most of it happen like it a curse?or is it a fate? duno, still nt old enough to interpret all this
well, i have went out with frenz 3 times during tis 2 weeks. 1st is the book fair, wif xuan. the 2nd is sunway pyramid, wif my whole bunch of buddies n the last to the curve + tesco with those member in charge of the is quite fun to go out with different frenz bt not onli stick together with my own friends like last time...
during this 2 weeks , i seldom on9...not really have a lot of ppl for me to chat with, get bored with that...n i duno what to do when on9, so i jz appear off9 or maybe totally din on..all of them are playing games in facebook, bt i din try it that fun??duno
my weekends are fully occupied in this 2 weeks or perhaps til the end of tis month..i have activity or vacation during the weekend..1st weekend of the holidays, back to taiping n penang(my hometown). 2nd week, went to cameron. 3rd week, means coming saturday n sunday, 2 days before school reopen, go back to taiping again. next saturday, carnival, at night go n find relative.sunday,father's day, maybe go n celebrate. n another week, hv its own activity to be done as well...ouchhh
i just baked a cake yesterday, blueberry cheese cake..erm, its is edible n of course taste nt bad..haha^^
what i have done in the past holidays... i means last year. i will go for a swim wif qi or then tis year, i cant even go for swimming...wth...i wan to swim!!! i miss swimming..n i love swimming...
last but not least, my wish n my hope:
i duwan to go to school!!! i want to stay at home. i duwan to face the upcoming exams!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
feelings after exam
today i duwan to get any paper at all, bt teacher still distribute maths paper...aikz, nt a gd score, quite depress wif it...esp when tuition time heard jh say ms.a fail alot of our paper, i wa totally lost at tat time, hv a undescribable feeling...i deserved it as i didnt prepare well for it, bt i dun hope to fail any of my paper...
hols coming, alot of stuffs waiting for me...nid to hv a preparation for the stall, read my storybuks, go to book exhibition, bake cake,tuition as usual...of course, hopefully can go for ice skating lar....hope everyone enjoy yr coming holidays^^
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
朋友,是互相扶持,互相安慰的,因责任而关心朋友的人不是知己。当琦告诉我你常关心我是因为责任,因为我的一句话:‘我很信任你’ 而让你有义务来关心我。我听后心情真的很低落,原来你没用心来对待过我。。我开始自嘲了
从上个星期起,我就发现你对我很很很冷淡。星期四会议后在食堂见到你,问你吃了没,你都没什么反应。同一天,我去far, 跟你说话,你也没有应我。每次补完化学后我和你说再见,你也没有回应。昨天国文补习时问你要不要去饥饿30,你也没回我。前天sms 你问你发生了什么事,你也没应。但第二天倩告诉我你有reply她的msg,今天补完习后又sms你,你还是不回我。你有想过我的感受吗?我根本一点都不好受!!!你又知道吗。。
Surprisingly I typed in Chinese. I duno how to express well in both eng n Chinese, bt I still chosen Chinese to write out all the feeling. I hope everything can bac to the right track, to the same routine, to the past..i really hope for it…bt can I get tat??? I duwan to lose anyone anymur…I love u all, I reli do love you all…wat shud I do…I will have psychiatrically disturbed soon!!! :(
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
i wan to tell sumone, bt i duno who can i tell
everyone is away from me now...
i jz hope to hv sumone for me to express, for me to cry, is tat so hard??
i loss the one i hv
i loss the one i trust
i lose to myself...
my target:
dun ever bothered bout all tat anymur
meaningless n useless
study hard wil be my right choice
i wont bliff sumone who told me she will nt study bt then she is studying in skul n im so idiotly follwed wat she say
i wan to be myself back
i wan to hv recess wif bai
i duwan to bother bout those jrs, bt can i?
i wan to do wateva i wan
i duwan 2nd tsunami to strike on my bday,if nt i will hate tat day foreva...
i wan everything i shud be granted wif
Monday, April 6, 2009
Depression week
ok, well, i will jz roughly write down wat happen in the past 1 week. it depressed me alot.
the saturday 2 weeks b4(28/3) bac to taiping for qing ming festival after the 'power chef' comp. so glas we enter the next round for laz saturday, bt then we lose it laz sat(4/3). actually its gd to lose it too, cz it was damn boring at there, they r nt testing on the cookery skill, bt on the decorative mind, omg, im totally poor on it. well, bac to the topic. bac to qing ming, so skip tui. on the next day which means sunday go for qing ming, n then i told my dad i wan to play truant for monday. so we no nid to rush bac by tat day. bt then sumthing bad strike on us. mum received a call from aunt, say that grandma is quite ill. so we rush to mainlandin the evening. yea, grandma was reli ill, she couldnt walk, coulnt eat, couldnt urinate, n keep on yelling for pain. at last i noe wat had happened to her after heard the conversation between my aunt n my parents.
grandma has a stone in the gall bladder, n tumour in liver n it's cancerous. my mind was totally blank at tat time. i duno wat shud i say. i saw my mum crying after she received the call from my aunt in taiping. after visit grandma in 3rd aunt's hse, we went to 1st aunt's hse to say overnite. in the midnite, mum received a call again, 3rd aunt calling. she said grandma was suffereing from pain, n she need to be emitted to hospital immediately. so they went off n im still half sleeping, duno wat is going on until i woke up in the next day. mum was alr nt at home, she n my 1st aunt accompanied my grandma in hosp. after preparing myself, we went to penang's hospital. the time we reached there grandma was having ct scan, so we jz waited outside. after grandma went bac to the wad, she vomit, n its a lot. i saw her having glucose intravenour diffusion through the vein in her hand, looked pale. after tat, around 2 sumthing, we went bac to kl cz im still schooling on the next day.
a guilt was alwaz raging inside me whenever i did sumthing. on wed went to celebrate peiting's bday in jusco kfc. whenever i was laughing, i will think of my grandma illness. she was so sick in the hosp, bt then i was laughing here n there, im such a dump. i barely could take tis feeling, it is torturing me. on thursday i went for duty pulak. under the sun for so long, sunburn, leg pain, backbone n shoulder aso prickling painful. after duty still rush to tuition altho we were alr late for 45 mins. actually i do not wish to go, bt then all of them wan to go, n im the one who nid to send them there, so jz go.
laz week grandma's report aso has been revealed, is liver cancer n it's alr 4th stage. omg, im in a shock. i noe mum was very sad actually, n she couldnt sleep nowadays n is quite weak. im reli worried by my mum. after dad explained everything to me, i noe tis is wat life called. everyone nid to face tis, bt hopefully it was nt in a painful path. wat i can do now was jz pray hard for my grandma.
yesterday went bac to mainland n visit my grandma again. she can talk, bt couldnt eat n walk n she was strengthless. so today i was absent to skul again. actually its ok for nt going to skul cz i do not wish to go to skul anyway. it is a waste of time. i saw all my aunties bcum very tired, esp 3rd aunt, she has weeks of sleepless night cz nid to take care of grandma. i reli hope grandma can recover..i hope all these din happen at all... :(
jz now went to acc tuition, then heard of sumthing, hope tat it is nt true. if it is true, i wil lnever trust tat person anymur.........
Thursday, March 26, 2009
can i really manage to deal with that?
do i have time to study all over about A-level's maths in facts im still half way learning high schools's add maths
do i really have time for it???
what is my best choice???
*crossing fingers*
Saturday, March 21, 2009
today going to hv a great surprise for qi. actually her bday falls on 19th, bt then on tat day, sum members of our gang cant make it, so we make it on 18th. anyway, its quite fun too. ok, well, the story begins lyk tis. bai, tiang n qian came to my house, n we cook together. we prepare spagetti, mushroom soup, bacon, sausages..tiang make a carrot cake a day b4 n so am i, i make pudding...its a great day act, cz its the first time to c 3 of them who duno cooking help me to cook, fried n so on..tat was the sincerity towards fren, they hv show it out by tis way..n they help to wash up all the plates n cutlery too, proud of them..muackzzz. then we go to qi's hse. she is sleeping at tat time.n the pose when she is sleeping is vr laughable, we hv taken sum photos of tat too...haha. then the surprise begins when she awake...haha. then we hv our home made lunch. then we took plenty of ss photos in her room n balcony. all those photos are posted in facebook, i lazy to post it here. a great day for 5 of us. 1 more thing, im glad tat we hv chosen the right choice of nt doing tat..give me five, yeah
another celebration for qi n a surprise for khing yuan. bt then , the surprise has revealed by those guys of their carelessness, anyway, its fun too. 5 girls n 5 boys, having steamboat+bbq at hong fook steamboat restaurant, sumwhere around carefour. bt then i nt reli lyk tat place when saw alot of negro lingering around, n i heard ru say they r fighting over there. then we still enjoy our food as usual, its delicious..yummy yummy. then about 10 sumthing, i call my parents n told them no nid to fetch me as im going to min zhuo's hse which is at fortune park. bt then i've cheated my mum tat gt parents send us there...ohh, reli sorry. bt the journey to his hse is quite a disaster for me. a lot of negro there, walking everywhere, forming a group here n there. n im wearing skirt, omg. im so scared n afraid at tat time actually. i walk swiftly until we r safely reached at his hse. n im so hot at tat time for the long distance walk...lack of exercise..haha..around 11.30, all of us go bac n her bday jz passed lyk tis in a jovial mood..
Sunday, March 15, 2009
today is school's sport day. as usual, i hv marching for tis year. go to skol vr early in the morning, onli sleep 4 hrs tat tired. then today after marching, take photo in full-u wif qian n zy. after tat go n take note on sumthing for documentation purpose. after tat, i enjoy my day quite well. lingering around, shout for green hse n so on. im so glad notice board get 1st n the khemah decoration get 2nd. at least our hard works are nt wasted. then later on in far take photo wif weiyi, jianing n the duckling...wakaka. then aso take photo wif hyau n weihoong. then go home chit chat wif cousin sis then quickly prepare myself n rush to so freaking tired on tat day, dun wish to walk at all, bt hv to.. go bac then text with ppl n read storybuk till i fall asleep...
today wake up quite early too..nid to go to temple. then cum bac continue sleep again. after tat send my cousin sis bac to upm. cz my dad was nt in kl, so we nid to go there by the train was packed lyk goodness. today talk bout the famine 30hrs wif cousin sis, no matter how if im nt having exam, i will join it one mur time..if all my fren duwan to go, i go wif her...nt reli in a gd mood rite now, alot of things to do n to think of...i gonna burst one day. im pressurize myself now cz of our skul spm results for tis year. 14 straight A1, 40 straight As, omg, they r giving me pressure. i wan to start study, bt alot of things waiting for me to settle down..damn it...
pls do sumthing ok? once i get furious i will jz refuse to do anything...i reli wan to shout out from my inner core: wth!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
today when to skul for st john activity n marching
sumthing surprising me alot...i met wif hyau today le...i hv been such a preety long time do chat nor meet actually miss him quite lots
he will be bac to skul again next sat to look out for our skol lousy sport day..anything, i jz remember sumthing
RMB to bring me my SOUVENIR lar...haiyo
then went to tuition as usual, bt while listening to teacher for physics lesson, im playing sudoku...wakaka, niceeee
then later on went bac n hv dinner wif my family, my uncle, aunt, er ge, granny, yi po n her husband at saigong..the food there was reli delicious..yummy yummy
then my aunt, uncle, mum n i curi-curi go to jusco n buy a cake for my grandma...her bday approaching...she will be 80's start fr next monday...happy birthday to u, my beloved grandma
going to oi oi now, tomoro stil nid to go to qi hse early in the morning to do the shirt n going to attend jiarong's bday at nite...
i will post bout tomoro bday party next time...
Tagged by Nee
2. Your relationship with him/her
of course a great frienf for me lar^^
3. Your 5 impressions of him/her
- She’s crazy. (like to beat my butt)
- She’s emotional.
- She’s caring.
- She is a bit cool especially towards strangers
- She is good in english.(jealous le me)
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you
Send me songs n borrow me storybooks
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you
console me when im sad
6. If he/she become your lover you will
Im nt a lesbian...
7. If he/she become your lover, things he/she has to improve on
if she has change her sex to a guy
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will
tis will forever never appear in my mind
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be because..
beat my butt until vr painful...wakaka
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now
beat her butt as a return
11. Your overall impression of him/her
she is crazy n nice
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
very cool n hard to get near wif me esp when i din talk or smile
13. The characters you love of yourself
be bac myself
14. On the contrary, the characters that you hate about yourself
think negatively very easily
15. The most ideal person you want to be is
a successful n independant girl
16. For people who care and love you, say something to them.
thx alot for all yr lovessss, i will alwaz remember wat u all had did for me^^
17. Pass this test to 10 persons who you wished to know how they feel about you.
1. hyau
2. weihoong
3. kim hung
4. bai
5. qi
6. tiang
7. qian
8. jac
9. weijie
10. ling
18. Who is no. 6 having relationship with?
19. Is no. 9 a male or female?
20. If no. 7 and no.10 together, is that a good thing?
no way!!!
21. What is no. 2 studying about?
statistic is im nt mistaken
22. When is the last time u had a chat with no. 3?
duno...months b4??
23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
omg, i going to ask her bout tat
24. Does no. 1 have any siblings?
25. Will you woo no. 3?
a girl to woo a guy, tis will nt present in my theory
26. How about no. 7?
im nt lesbian
27. Is no. 4 single?
28. What is the surname of no.5?
miskey mouse
29. What is the hobby of no. 10?
ohh, i duno, sorry le
30. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?
erm, nt vr suk
31. Where is no. 2 studying at?
32. Talk something casually about no. 1
he lyk to sinka alot
33. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 6?
of course, she is my honey...
34. Where does no. 9 live at?
sumwhere in jinjang
35. What colour does no.4 like?
36. Are no. 5 and 1 best friends?
nope, they nt reli noee bout each other
37. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
a nice looking girl
38. What is no. 6 doing now?
i duno...studying? smsing?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
today im very tired, reli exhausted. i dun even step into the class b4, nt at all! bcz of the notice board. for the 1st time i play truant for whole day without entering the clas eventhough the p&p is still undergoing. i felt so guilt wif tat..after recess, i turn to bcum a moody gal, bcoz of the meeting held by my junior. u all r the head of tis programme, jz take yr own decision n take action against those who r nt listening to u all, dun bother bout the age's gap. they talk theirs without listening n cooperate wif u all, i dun understand how u all could stand wif them..i think i reli nid to hv a meeting n take stern action on them, i reli do nt hope to scold ppl...aiks, wat shud i do???
the ass demerit us...why shud her?? we hv the pass n we r nt lingering around, we r doing proper things...jz purposely wan to fool us aound? or makes us in trouble??wat the f u...
after skul, even haven finish doing the notice board, bt i hv to rush for marching n jz left jm doing alone..luckily at laz fj help her. bt the marching...j z so few ppl came for it, wat for??we r the seniors n we came everyday, how about those juniors, their marching r even worse than us, n they dare to absent for so speechless..pls take actions on them
then after marching still nid to rush for tuition. at there, another matter happen n burn up my anger. i ask her for so many times at past few days whether wan to do the essay anot n she say duwan. bt then today she hand in to teacher. when i ask her how cum she do, she jz say yest onli decide to finish up cz duwan to drag it anymur.. tis is nt the 1st time i hv tis prob wif her. everytime i ask one, she will jz do another 1. cz of u say duwan to do, then i aso duwan to do, i trust u bt u jz fool me up. even u wan to do, cn u jz inform me, i duwan to be lyk an ass...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Today is quite a messy day for me, especially after school. today have alot of activities after school. go n help out for notice board, play tennis n watch basketball. well, actually its still go smoothly at the started to ruin up everything after i finish helping the notice board...
the story starts like tat. zhao ying help me in notice board as she was too bored n jz loiteriing around the school. we start out tennis at 2.30, bt both of us were late. we go n find qian, qi n bai at tennis court, bt we coulnt find them. so we went to first aid room, 6A2, basketball court then bac to tennis court again.. actually they were at the tennis court, playing tennis happily at the corner lot. both of us walk till hv pain at abdomen, n its very the school is under construction, we walk from one end till the other end..jz imagine how tiring are we. ok, fine, then qian forgt to bring me my gerko card n the 1st aid room has been locked up, so another matter happen on tats nt big deal to me yet..
after tat, around 3.15, we stopped playing n rush to the basketball court, to enjoy the final of girls under 18. i bring along a file containing all the things tat jiamei had done to the destination too. while the match going on halfway, rain falls heavily n the wind was so strong...we n zhaoying once again go n find qi n bai, we walk fr 1st aid room to foyer then to the hall then bac to 1st aid room then to the canteen n then to the hall again..both of us r so wet. then ky told me he saw both of them at the new pondok we jz go n hv a look, they r reli we did nt approach them, as they r busying wif the perhiasan khemah.. so i bac to 1st aid room n read shao nian..when its time to go home, i rmb bout the file i left at the basketball, qian n qi ran to the basketball court under the heavy rain n finally yong lim help us to find tat time, im so anxious till gonna burst into tears...if i lost tat, i cant imagine wat will happen tomoro. anyway, thx alot to qian n qi, they acc me run here n there, find all around the skol n 3 of us r soaked in wet...i reli do appreciate yr kindness....thx ya >.<
Sunday, March 1, 2009
the birthday girl
the bill:225.40 bucks!!!
the green apples
ahbai's family bt bai nt here
hope xiang n jac will be hapi wif yr bday celebration...muackzz, luv ya^^
Friday, February 27, 2009
a enjoyable day for me.. im having dissection on frog. its so exciting n qi want to dissect by ourselves, only 2 of us in the group, bt at last jia hui join us..anyway, the same fascinating process is still going on. our frog is the last one take out from the plastic bag, maybe bcoz of tis, it is much more weaker than the others. when we cut of the skin, its heart is nt pumping anymur. haha, n we do internal chess compression for it. i use the scalpel n press the heart softly, n out of my surprise, the heart start pumping again. bt it keep on stop pumping once in a while.. 3 of us say sorry to the frog non-stop..n i saw the liver, the small intestine, gall bladder, large intestine, anus n etc. i think tis frog eat alot, its adipose layer is so thick le.. we all tis 3 girls abit pervert lar, getting more n more exciting by the end. we all take out every part of the organ out of its body. n put the heart on our palm. the heart pumping on my hand, bop bop, bop bop..i felt so sorry to it at tat time.. bt the guys on the next table r much more cruel to their frog. they chop off its head, dig out its eyes n touch, they r the 1st who dig out every part of the organs n bring it to our place..ohya, forgt to tell sumthing. finally i can see how the heart pumps blood. there's a smallest chamber which contain dark-coloured blood, which mean deoxygenated blood lar. n i c how the oxygenated blood n deoxygenated blood interchange within the 3 chamber.... now i wan to dissect mice i hope to c human's nt bian tai lar, jz my dream to bcum a doctor still haven vanish from my mind, although i know it is impossible...
Friday (27/2/09)
today whole day we jz talk bout the 2 birthday girls' bday plan n aso the flirty guy...we talk alot n tell alot, hope tat u reli understand wat we say. wat we r talking is for yr own good, we duwan u to get hurt in the end.. dun believe in guys so heard jac say sumthing, i noe she purposely wan to let me noe, i ans her i dun act im nt reli feel well wif it..she noe about anyway, i dun hv the right to say anything bout tis, tis is non of my so regret now, for playing so dian im the one who suffer... i nt dare to tell le, altho i wish to, i jz wan to ask c i hv lost my courages,im so timid at tis time... bt in the contrary, if had seen it, shud say thanks to me nope....haiz, suan lar, i noe u wont bother bout it, n nor me...
July baby
Im very agree with all these. every characteristic is jz so accurate for me. however, i hate some of the characteristics, it jz make me feel so pessimistic. i jz wait for friends to find me, bt dun ever find for any friend when chatting or messaging..tats y no one will look for me..sobs. unbelievable comments on me, too accurate man!!!